Friday 16 September 2011

Roland Barthes' Narrative Codes

Roland Barthes published a book in 1973 which stated that there are five codes which interact to show realism in narrative within films. These same codes can also be applied for music videos though, and include: -

1. Enigma (Hermeneutic) - a code which engages the audience by posing some sort of a mystery and then delaying the answer to it. Only occasionally do enigmas remain unanswered.

2. Action (Proairetic) - a simple code which refers to an event that has a series of logical consequences.

3. Semic - this refers to the connotations offered by elements of mise-en-scène, such as the characters, props and settings.

4. Symbolic - as its name suggests, this code refers to binary oppositions which the audience have instantaneous recognition of.

5. Cultural (Referential) - this refers to knowledge that audiences bring to a film (or in this case a music video).

Like in my previous post, I have chosen to analyse a video, Eminem feat. Rihanna - Love The Way You Lie, to clarify my own understanding of these codes so that I have a better knowledge of how and if I need to incorporate them into my own video.


1. Enigma
Megan Fox puts out the fire in her
hands. If you look closely you can
just see the smoke rising up from her
The enigma here is the on and off relationship of Eminem and Megan Fox (actress). The audience is kept from the outcome until towards the end of the video when Eminem says 'if she ever tries to fuckin' leave again, I'ma tie her to the bed and set this house on fire' which is followed by a shot of Fox putting out a small fire in her hands (special effect) which was seen lighting up at the beginning of the video.

2. Action
Eminem offers Fox a teddy bearing a
At one point Eminem is seen giving Megan Fox a teddy bear holding a flower; this tells the audience that they are viewing a period when the love is back on and inevitably the next narrative shot which featues them both shows them kissing.

3. Semic
Rihanna singing in front of a burning
Every shot of Rihanna singing is taken in front of a burning house. This connotes the narrative does not have a happy ending.

4. Symbolic
Eminem and Fox in conflict
In this case the symbolic code is the conflict between a man and wife in an unhappy relationship.

5. Cultural
Eminem confronts another guy
talking to Fox
The audience bring a knowledge of what makes a relationship an unstable one. That is why we see, amongst others, a shot of Eminem punching another man talking to Fox (jealousy), as well as a shot of him stealing a drink (alcohol problems).

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