Thursday 22 March 2012

Evaluation - how we are going to complete it

For our evaluation, myself and Frank have decided that we are going to produce a series of short videos, in which I will be discussing our answer to the four questions. 

The decision for me to be in front of the camera and Frank behind it was a mutual one. Frank didn't feel overly confident about talking and I wasn't particularly fussed what role I had in the production of these videos, so it made sense to do it the way we have decided. 

The videos will include mid shots of myself talking, accompanied by clips from our video, and others similar to ours (i.e. from the same genre, etc.), and images from our ancillary tasks, in order to aid the understanding of the viewer.

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Early poster/cd cover designs

These are some rough desings of the posters myself and Frank might look at creating, based on our findings from earlier today.

As you can see we thought a lot about how to use the glow and light ray effects that are usually part of dubstep music posters. We also paid particularly close attention to the position of the text, which we believe could be significant in connoting the type of song we are promoting. The font for 'Nero' has been kept for aforementioned reasons (in the research part). This would ensure fans of the group easily recognise the image. The colour schemes of the posters are something we have not yet decided on, as we have seen how many different ones can be used to great effect.

Genre specific posters

Dubstep is a relatively new genre, as opposed to a genre like rock, which again is suggestive of how posters are being used less and less as a promotional tool, because it has been difficult to find examples of dubstep posters.

The two that we have found though are very similar. The text is of a similar font and is clearly one of the common conventions of these poster types. A problem we have already established with this though, is that Nero have their own font type which, like a brand, is used on all of their promotional materials. We will be looking into how we could possibly bring a variation to that font type.

Whilst the text is the most prominent feature of the posters, it is arguably due to the surrounding colours, which would appear to make it stand out on both. Black is the primary background colour, however both blue and green have been used to good effect in order to promote the text. Glow and light ray effects seem to have been implicated in order to help do this.

These posters and the analysis we have conducted of them will be most helpful to refer back to when making creative decisions.

Poster Research

As Nero have not produced any promotional posters before we have had to start from scratch in researching this ancillary task.

These are some general music posters that we have found. It seems the more modern a band/singer you try to find the harder it gets, which suggests posters as a promotional tool in the music world are becoming somewhat outdated.

These examples clearly show a preference towards black and white pictures, however this could possibly be down to the age of the bands and the technology that was available at the time of production?

Another noteable convention though, is how the picture, which is often the singers, is by far the most prominent feature. Text features on all of the posters, though it is merely the name of the group/singer and is rather insignificant compared to the picture.

Colour is included on the last two posters however there are reasons for both. The colours in the Bob Marley poster are an obvious cultural reference to his Caribbean heritage. The pink text on The Ramones poster is simply this colour because it is more recognisable to their audience.

The backgrounds of the posters vary, from plain black backgrounds to greyscale city views.

All of these conventions will be useful in helping us produce our poster. None of these however are for the genre of music that are track is, dubstep, and so we will now endeavour to find some genre specific examples.

Tuesday 24 January 2012

Nero Single Covers

To begin our research on the construction of our digipak, myself and Frank today searched all of the covers for Nero's six singles, including Innocence which is the first cover.

As is clear to see there are some distinctive conventions of all these covers. The diamond is a prominent feature on each and so we will 'have' to incorporate this in one way or another when producing our own. The font of Nero also 'needs' to remain the same. These two things need to stay constant in order to continue with the theme of their single covers, thus appealing to the target audience.

What appears in the diamond appears to be something we can decide on ourselves, however also prominent is the black background of each cover and so the primary colour of our cover will almost certainly be the same for the aforementioned reason.

Tuesday 10 January 2012

'On-set' Photos

Location Photos!

Finally we have been able to upload our location photos! The last is actually a video of a gig we went to in the venue where we wanted to film our performance shots. The set up of the visual effects was as we wanted them, so the video showed well the environment we wanted to film in, just without all the people!