Monday 3 October 2011

Jennifer Lopez, Papi

I saw this new pop video, Jennifer Lopez, Papi on MTV yesterday and thought that there were a number of codes in this video similar to other pop videos I have seen, suggesting that I have a knowledge of the conventions of a pop video should I decide to do a song from this genre.

The most obvious is the big, group theatrical production, like something out of a Michael Jackson video, the 'King of Pop'. Another is the setting. It's somewhere urban. Many pop videos seem to take place in more urban areas. I also picked up on some cultural codes, which I have also picked up on in pop videos studied previously in this blog. The one that popped into my head immediately was of the Lynx advertising campaign, where the male appears irresistible to women after spraying himself with deodorant. In this case the gender roles are reversed and the cookie is representative of the deodorant.

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