Monday 24 October 2011

Analysis of other Radar Love videos

Having watched each other's Radar Love videos together as a class, there seemed to be some definite collective positives and negatives.

In the case of almost everyone's videos there were times when the action wasn't quite synchronised correctly with the action and when single shots were held for too long. There were also numerous instances of the incorrect guitar being used (a lead as opposed to a bass), as we had originally done, and the volunteer performers not displaying enough energy.

All of the videos featured some sort of innovative shot, with split screens and tracking shots in particular being used to great effect. Mise-en-scène seemed to have been considered quite thoughtfully by most groups, which was maybe something myself and Josh could have thought about as it was pointed out, correctly, that a bottle of washing up liquid could be seen in one particular shot where I am playing the tambourine. This sort of thing of course one would expect to pick up upon when location scouting, some of the more finer parts of the production process that we did not carry out for this practice task.

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