Monday 24 October 2011

Radar Love - Location Organisation

Myself and Josh decided that I would organise a location for us to film in and he would round up some volunteers to star in our video.

Here is the dialogue, via email, that I had with Mr. Broadbent, the Head of Music, at our school. The first correspondence  is at the bottom.

Ok - come over at the start of lunch and we can find somewhere.

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael JARVIS
Sent: 28 September 2011 13:10
To: Mr Broadbent
Subject: RE: Music Video

We would indeed like to film on Friday if that's possible.

From: Mr Broadbent
Sent: 27 September 2011 11:58
To: Michael JARVIS
Subject: RE: Music Video

All the music rooms tend to be very busy at lunchtime - your only hope is for Friday when I might be able to find some space. Let me know if you want to pursue this option.

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael JARVIS
Sent: 27 September 2011 11:39
To: Mr Broadbent
Subject: Music Video

Dear Mr Broadbent

My name is Michael Jarvis. I am writing on behalf of both myself and Josh Leek.  We are Y13 students currently planning a music video shoot as part of our Media Studies A level and were wondering whether it might be possible to film in a music room one lunchtime? If at all possible we would also like to use a drum kit, electric guitar and tambourine as props.

We hope this seems reasonable and your cooperation would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks
Michael (13NMA)

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